Friday, April 2, 2010

Early April Rain


 We just received a brief but needed downpour.  With the lack of March snowfall, it's looking quite dry outside.  The grass and tender young spouts desperately needed a drink. The rain has stopped momentarily & the sun is shining brightly from behind a thick white curtain of clouds lighting up the sky.

Late last night I received word that a friend who had recently been laid off had received an offer & was starting back to work. One of her networking leads had paid off. I quickly sent her a note back with my congratulations.  We had met a couple of times while she had been out of work, just to chat & offer one another some positive energy & encouragement.  I'd be lying if I didn't admit that a few tears welled up in my eyes as I was typing that note.  I kept thinking "when will it finally be my turn."

“God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.” - Unknown

I'm doing my best to remain optimistic about my own search efforts. The employment figures seem to be improving every month, while I'm also hearing that long-term unemployment is still a major issue for many very qualified individuals.

Before the flowers have a chance to bloom & flourish, a little rain must fall.  When my rainy days finally stop, I know there will be a ray of sun following closely behind it, my garden will fill in & all will be right again in my world.

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