Friday, April 23, 2010

Goodnight Earth Day

Another Earth Day has passed & tributes manifested in so many different shapes & forms.  I dressed my son for daycare in a funky new tee that I found several months ago at Gymboree. 


His teacher told me, when I picked him up at the end of the day, that he took great pride in reminding people all day long that he was wearing his "Earth Day tee shirt".  I had explained everything that was on the shirt when I dressed him this morning, so I was pretty proud of him that he took it so seriously.  There were recycle symbols, birds, trees, bikes, skateboards, sun, leaves, earth, footprints and plants, all symbols of living an eco-friendly existence.
I started planning my container gardens for the season, running to Homegoods to pick up a second new barrel planter for the front of the house & to Lowes to buy the huge bags of potting soil. It's still a bit too early to plant, but as soon as the herbs & annuals hit the stores it will be a day long project for my son & I - picking them out & then arranging it all in our planters. We may even attempt to grow some veggies on the deck. The buds in our landscape are just now starting to open up, so it's very motivating to say the least.


Companies that never promoted themselves as being eco-sensitive before today were flooding my e-mail with campaigns as to why their companies were "green" . Reminded me of St. Patrick's Day when suddenly everyone claims to be Irish. There were Earth Day promotional sales - too many to count - all of which I simply deleted. HGTV & Sprout (cable networks at very opposite ends of the spectrum I know) ran a full day of special earth-friendly episodes of their shows.  

Twitter was a buzz with people sharing how they intended to show their support for Earth Day, whether it was biking to work, taking hazardous waste to a drop-off site or unplugging appliances for the day, everyone seemed to want do a little something to show their awareness & support.  Other companies like Element Six Media were nostalgic, posting a link to a Walter Cronkite news special that ran on Earth Day 40 years ago. They also sent one of my favorite tweets of the day: 

"@Element_Six Being green is not celebrated in one day. The planet needs your help everyday!!! #EarthDay #MakeADifference" - Element Six Media

So how did you spend your 40th Anniversary Earth Day?

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